WJB's Turn

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Welcome to WJBsTurn, a place where I will take my turn to share the Word of God and my views and musings. I plan to post occasional, sporadic, thoughts on a potpourri of topics. As you read my posts, please consider that some of my views are in the process of refinement. Also, many, especially the devotionals, apply to me as much as they do you.

Please feel free to comment on my posts.  I’ll review your comments and permit them to be displayed, maybe, sometimes, if I feel like it…:-). Seriously, I would like to have some constructive dialog, but I do reserve the right to limit comments.

I invite you to follow and/or subscribe to my blog. If you subscribe, you will receive an email whenever I add a new post.  I do not expect there to be frequent posts, though they may come in short bursts.

Finally, please note that I am not necessarily endorsing someone when I reference, quote, or otherwise share something they wrote. I quote someone or post their content because it fits my context and/or spoke to me. However, that does not mean that I agree with or endorse everything that individual or organization stands for.

W.J. (Bill) Borden

Who Has Your Back?

I just saw a mug with the saying, “Good morning, this is God, I will be handling all your problems today?” It prompted the following questions:

? Who do you start your day with? Is it a hurried, get ready and head out the door with, maybe, a quick breakfast that is more of a snack routine? Or, does it include time with HaShem and Yeshua, your Savior and the Lord of your life?

? Who has your back throughout the day? Do you cover your own back with your own skill-set, abilities, and self-confidence? Or do you look to Him to guide you and give you the direction you need at each turn and decision?

I have started many of my days, and there have been quite a few of them, without spending time with Him. Too many of those days did not go as well as I would have liked. And more times than I like to admit, when the going got tough, I forgot to look to Him.

However, I have found that spending a few minutes with my Heavenly Father each morning is the best way to start my day. I do notice a difference compared to when I am not able to do so. I encourage you to include time with Him each morning, even if it is only 15 minutes. Read a couple scriptures from His Instruction Book, talk to Him about your day and ask Him to be your Guide, to cover your back. Then, keep your focus on Him throughout the day. Though reality says that there will be hard days, keeping your focus on Him will make those hard days and times more palatable.

Until next time…”May the LORD bless and protect you…May He give you Shalom.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


COVID Vaccine Push and Children

If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” (Thomas Jefferson). I like that quote, which is in the linked article. The article is worth reading. Although it is focused on Israel, it includes links to many of the facts and stats that the mainstream media in the US is not publishing. As the article states, the “facts and data” that we are receiving from the primary sources are presented from only one side.

A personal “rant”, then you can read the article for yourself. The article mentions Israel’s push to vaccinate everyone over the age of 12. I must comment on North Carolina’s recent policy that schools can vaccinate children 12 and over w/o parental consent. Our children are all grown, but if we had to have children in NC schools, I’d be having a civil conversation with school leadership informing them in no uncertain terms that they do not have permission to give my children any medication/vaccine without my written permission. I’d do this even if I wanted them to receive the vaccine; it is a matter of usurping parental rights as much as being about the vaccine!

I’d also present them with a notarized letter signed by my wife and myself stating this in writing. The letter would include a statement that the child does not have the legal capacity to consent without his/her parents’ permission. A copy of the letter would go to the school board. We are not lawyers, but it seems to me that this would serve as legal notice that they do not have a right to usurp our parental rights regardless of State policy. It has always been my understanding that schools cannot administer any medication without parental consent. I encourage parents reading this to take this action in any state or locality that is trying to usurp their parental rights! “Yes, Virginia, you can fight city hall.” I’m hoping that the NC ruling will be challenged before it can be carried out.

Now the link to the article published by Intercessors for America: https://ifapray.org/blog/medical-freedom-under-fire-in-israel/

Until next time…”May the LORD bless and protect you…May He give you Shalom.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


Growing Cold

Many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.

Matthew 24:10-12

As I read this scripture this morning, I realized that it is being fulfilled more widely in 2021 than ever before–especially in the organized church. We are seeing those in leadership leading their flocks astray with false teaching and with a watered-down gospel. Teaching that includes tolerance of and even acceptance of all lifestyles, even those that are identified as abhorrent to God in His Word.

Now, I’m not speaking against accepting people where they are and guiding them to repentance and accepting Yeshua as their Savior and Lord. Yeshua demonstrated that we should do just that. The phrase “love the sinner and hate the sin” may not be in Scripture, but the principle is clearly taught. God loves all mankind, but He dislikes the things we do and beliefs that are not in accordance with His Word, the Bible.

I am addressing the many who remain silent or who out-and-out condone un-godly lifestyles. Maybe it is just a sign that we are in the end times, but if it doesn’t change, many will be led astray and away from their Savior instead of to Him!

Matthew continues:

But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Matthew 24:13-14

On the other hand, all is not doom. We are also seeing the Gospel being proclaimed throughout the entire world. Though, sadly, I do question whether it is being proclaimed in the USA as strongly as it once was.

I cannot speak of this without giving you, the reader, an opportunity to accept Jesus as your Savior and make Him the Lord of your life. If you have never repented of your sin and turned your life over to Him, I encourage you to do so immediately. He wants to be part of your life. Your Father, God, wants to give you the Holy Spirit to help you in your day-to-day life. He also wants you to spend eternity with Him. There is nothing you have to do to receive this gift from God. It is completely free. There is no better deal on the planet! All you have to do is speak to God and tell Him in your own words that you are sorry for the wrong you have done, that you want to change, that you give your life to Him and accept Jesus as your savior. Then thank Him and ask Him to become the Lord of your life.

Until next time…”May the LORD bless and protect you…May He give you Shalom.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


(If you have made a decision for Jesus, please let me know by commenting on this post.)

The LORD Fights…

…for you and me. I was reading Deut. 1:1-3:22 this morning and verse 3:22 stood out to me. Maybe only because it is highlighted in my Bible, but I don’t think so. What came to me is the following prayer:

Father, may I never forget Your promise through Moses that You, the LORD our God fights for us! I know this was said to the Israelites as they prepared to enter the Promised Land, but it applies to all of your followers because You never change. May all of Your followers, brothers & sisters of Yeshua, rely on You as our defender and protector, and not our own understanding. This doesn’t mean that we can sit idly by and wait for You to do it all, not lifting a finger ourselves. It does mean that we take action, put forth effort on Your guidance, in Your name, according to Your ways, and demonstrating Your love!!

Until next time…”May the LORD bless and protect you…May He give you Shalom.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


Human Opinion

What do we see in most newscasts, many TV shows, and on social media? Human opinion; opinion that leaves God out of the mix. But, we are lost when human opinion means more to us than God’s! Read 1 Sam 15:22-23, not in light of King Saul, but in light of what is occurring in our government and in society in general–man’s opinion rules and God’s doesn’t count. He won’t allow that to go on forever! Those of us who are part of God’s family through the blood of Yeshua, must, absolutely must bring God into our every interaction, every opinion that we express to others — especially our leaders.

Until next time…“May the LORD bless and protect you…May He give you Shalom.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


Prayer for Law Enforcement

Individuals and congregations across the United States will be observing a day of prayer and appreciation for law enforcement this Sunday, 6/13. Our law enforcement officers deserve our respect and appreciation. For most, it is not just a job, it is a calling. 

Please take a few minutes tomorrow, 6/13, to pray for them and then continue remembering them in your daily prayers. Ask HaShem to surround them with His protection and to give them wisdom, discernment, and a deep desire to serve Him. (Many law enforcement officers are believers.)

Some other suggestions for supporting them: Pray that those who do not know Yeshua as Savior and Lord will encounter Him. When you pass an officer in traffic, offer a brief prayer. If you encounter one in person, thank him or her for their service. The next time you see police officers eating in a restaurant, pay for their food. May HaShem work through them as they serve us.

Until next time…“May the LORD bless and protect you…May He give you Shalom.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


The Greatest Sacrifice

By Sue

In the past few weeks, we have heard about the sacrifices made by our military and law enforcement. Indeed, they have sacrificed much for our freedoms and safety. Many have given the ultimate sacrifice—their lives. We should be very grateful!

Today, I am pondering the sacrifice that we hear little about in these times. This is the greatest sacrifice given to mankind—the sacrifice of God the Father and Jesus, His only Son!

God sacrificed His Son when He planned from the beginning of time to send His one and only Son from Heaven to earth. I think of Hannah finally giving birth to Samuel after waiting a long time to bear a child. She sacrificed time and pleasure with her son by surrendering him back to the Lord as a thank offering to be used for His service. This is a foreshadow of what Father God did. He relinquished His fellowship with His only Son to send Him to earth so that ultimately we could be able to, in turn, have fellowship with both Father and Son.

Jesus also sacrificed greatly! He left the Presence of His Father to come to earth. While walking here, He did not have a place to lay His head; He was rejected and despised by His brethren, denied by those He poured His life’s message into for three years, and eventually was beaten and cruelly placed upon a cross for our sins! He did not consider Himself to be equal to God, but emptied Himself, taking upon Himself the form of a servant and was born in the likeness of men. He then humbled Himself and became obedient to death, even death on a cross. (Phil 2:6-8)

Consider this! Would you willingly give your only child to send him to a place knowing he would be abused, hated, and rejected by those around him—to be innocently accused and sentenced to death! And for what purpose? So that each one of us could be forgiven of our sins and receive eternal life, and live a life of peace, joy, and hope while on earth.

I will be forever grateful for the greatest sacrifice given. If you have never considered this sacrifice, I would implore you to do so now! Today is the day of salvation—there may not be a tomorrow! Invite Jesus to be Savior and Lord of your life. He gave His all for you!

Until next time…“May the LORD bless and protect you…May He give you Shalom.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


Do Not Listen!

Do not listen to the voices of hate! Why not? Because God will always get the last word!

God created the nations — ALL of mankind. He created every race and nationality. If you hate or even dislike someone because of their race, country of origin, even creed, you have a problem with God!

He hates any actions of His creation that do not align with His instructions in His word. However, He loves every individual and commands us to love them as we love ourselves.

So, again, I encourage all of us, myself included, to ignore the voices of hate that swirl around us and focus on loving and praying for tgem. Pray that their actions, beliefs, and/or hate will change to align with His instructions. Most importantly, pray that, if they do not know Yeshua as their savior, they will repent and turn to Him. And if they claim Him but have strayed from His Word, that they will repent and return to the Truth.

If you are reading this and need to repent of your hateful words or actions, and/or need to accept Him as your savior, I encourage you to do so right now. Simply tell Him that you repent of, are really sorry for your actions, and that you give Him control of your life.

If you make this decision, please let me know by replying to this post.

Until next time…“May the LORD bless and protect you…May He give you Shalom.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


It’s Time to Decide

The following Lighthouse Network Devotion from April 24, 2021 is shared with permission.

On What Do You Rely?
Accomplishments and Failures … or Jesus?

Transformational Thought

Wouldn’t you love to have a rewind button for your life? Think about it. What if you had the power to go back and change a few events in your life? The chance to correct a decision that moved your life down a wrong or painful path. The chance to achieve the peace and fulfillment that is just out of your grasp.

We’ve all done things we wish we could take back. Maybe we’ve lived a sinful lifestyle, been selfish and unkind, made parenting mistakes, said hurtful things to a loved one, or just experienced a lot of failure in life. Maybe we still struggle with relationships, anxieties, guilt, shame, and “what ifs.” On the other hand, maybe we’ve lived a pretty good life and achieved a high level of success. In fact, we really like defining ourselves by our victories. We like feeling satisfied about what we’ve done. The praise and admiration of others energizes us. Maybe we really love helping others.

But you know what? Our accomplishments aren’t really that impressive to God. He sees our hearts. He knows that they are not always pure. Praise God that He doesn’t define us by what we’ve done … regardless of how good or bad it’s been. He judges us by whether we accept what Christ did for us. He knows we need Jesus. But we need to know that, too. 

I don’t know why Jesus gets such a bad rap or is so hated, but that’s another Devo. Jesus died on the cross so that the penalty for sin could be paid and our sins could be forgiven. And when we believe and accept the sacrifice he made for us, we are cleansed. Then God sees us as though we had never sinned! Our record is clean. We inherit Christ’s account. And that’s our new identity … a follower of Christ, clothed in His righteousness. 

You see, we know we’ve made mistakes. But, since we’ve done some good things, and we can do even more, we underestimate the big gap between ourselves and HOLINESS. No matter how hard and long we try, we can never, absolutely never, make up the gap between ourselves and God. One zillion (an indescribably large number) good deeds will not fill that gap.

We can’t do enough to earn our way. That’s why we need Jesus. We are defined not by our accomplishments or failures, but by who we are in Christ. All the accomplishments in the world mean nothing when it comes to getting right with God and spending eternity with Him. 

Today, if you are not a fully committed follower of Christ, you can make that decision right now. No matter what your past … no matter how good or bad your behavior … you need Jesus. He loves you and is reaching out to you right now. Do you want to meet Him? Just tell Him that you know you need Him … and that you want to follow Him. Why wouldn’t you want Jesus in your life? He is ready … are you? Whether you turn your life around now, or you are willing to settle for less is your decision, so choose well.

If you are a Christian, rejoice as you did the day you accepted Jesus in your life as your personal Savior. Send this to someone you love who needs Jesus and follow it with a phone call to discuss this blessing. Whether you make Him the Lord of your life, or you continue to exalt yourself as lord is your decision, so choose well.


My Father and my Lord, I believe that Your Son died for my sins. Please forgive me for all my past. I’m ready for a change. I want to follow You … and do life Your way. I know that I cannot undo my past through my own accomplishments. Thanks for sending Your Son to pay the ultimate price, to pay my penalty for me. I pray this and all prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, who died so that I may have eternity with the only God; and all God’s children say – AMEN!

The Truth

For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. Romans 3:23-24

The post On What Do You Rely? Accomplishments and Failures … or Jesus? appeared first on Lighthouse Network.

If you prayed to accept Yeshua as your Savior and made Him the Lord of your life or rededicated your life to Him, please contact me by replying to or commenting on this post.
Until next time…“May the LORD bless and protect you…May He give you Shalom.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


Teaching Prejudice

Did you know that your children are racist? President Joe Biden’s administration says they are and wants to fix them.  The U.S. Department of Education is preparing to advocate the idea that America is systemically racist and anyone who thinks differently, children included, are part of the problem — whether the students know it or not.

This is an important read for anyone with children in public schools or who has friends with children in public schools. We also need to contact our legislatures at both state and federal levels to block this move. For more details see this article.

Until next time…“May the LORD bless and protect you…May He give you Shalom.” (Numbers 6:24-26)


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Truth2Freedom's Blog

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. —Soren Kierkegaard. "...truth is true even if nobody believes it, and falsehood is false even if everybody believes it. That is why truth does not yield to opinion, fashion, numbers, office, or sincerity--it is simply true and that is the end of it" - Os Guinness, Time for Truth, pg.39. “He that takes truth for his guide, and duty for his end, may safely trust to God’s providence to lead him aright.” - Blaise Pascal. "There is but one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue it steadily" – George Washington letter to Edmund Randolph — 1795. We live in a “post-truth” world. According to the dictionary, “post-truth” means, “relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.” Simply put, we now live in a culture that seems to value experience and emotion more than truth. Truth will never go away no matter how hard one might wish. Going beyond the MSM idealogical opinion/bias and their low information tabloid reality show news with a distractional superficial focus on entertainment, sensationalism, emotionalism and activist reporting – this blogs goal is to, in some small way, put a plug in the broken dam of truth and save as many as possible from the consequences—temporal and eternal. "The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it." – George Orwell “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” ― Soren Kierkegaard

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Lack of Originality

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